Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Once & Doce/Treinta

11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

  1. People having ulterior motives/me knowing somebody is lying to my face. 
  2. Mouth smacking/loud chewing.
  3. Having to repeat myself more than twice. & grammar. 
  4. When the only car you have to wait for to drive by doesn't switch out of the lane you're waiting to get into..
  5. Rudeness/inconsiderateness.
  6. Negative nancies.
  7. Extremists of anything.
  8. Dirty dishes piled up IN the sink. I prefer them piled to the side....so that I have room to wash. 
  9. Dirty fingernails. 
  10. An empty box/carton in the fridge/pantry. Or pouring a bowl of cereal to then learn we're out of milk.

12. Describe a typical day in your current life.

Alarm at 5:15. 
Gym until 6:35.
Work 8-5. 
Lunch with the hubs if I'm lucky.
Home unless R/I/we has/have a meeting or outing. 
Thrilling, I know.


  1. haha I can totally relate to # 10... my husband leaves a bite of ice cream in the freezer and I get all excited seeing it sitting in there like I'm about to have a great treat and there's close to nothing in the carton!! ahh

    xo Jessica
    stop by if ya get a chance!

  2. Haha our "typical days" are IDENTICAL! Too funny!
