Monday, April 14, 2014

A Dermatologist & a Laser

In January, I went to the dermatologist & got a shave biopsy of a spot on my nose (click here for reminder)

I went back six weeks later and the stinker was wanting to come that we knew it wasn't malignant, we went with the second option which was zapping it with a laser to cut off the blood supply.

I got to wear some goggles and then got 5 or 6 zaps that made me jump/twitch every felt like a rubber band snapping...and I went home with a large spot on my nose.

You may be wondering why in tarnation I am posting this but personally, I like to see a progression of what things "should" look like but couldn't find anything online for this, so I tried to take a weekly picture in case anybody else has to experience the laser.

< (sitting in a room with this contraption for 30+ minutes almost made me chicken out.) 

Here's the 4 week progression:

Week 1 it looked like a dark mole, week 2 it got really red, week 3 it was faded red and I started to get nervous and think this thing wasn't going to fade, and then week 4 it was all of a sudden much much lighter....and it's gradually lightened since. 

I was super self conscious about my new polka dot but I'm very happy with the results -- especially compared to the results I had 6 weeks post biopsy! 

*I applied sunscreen every morning & a steroid cream day and night for the first 2 weeks. & I avoided the sun. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so glad you posted a time-lapse of the progression. I had always wondered what it should look like. I love your blog by the way. Keep the posts coming! You and Rick are so perfect together. :)
