Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sims' September

Football Season.
(I could probably end the post there because that was pretty much the extent of our September)
After reuniting and getting settled back home it was a rather calm month for us.
Saturdays were spent watching football.
The Carroll's paid us a surprise visit. The weather was awful but we still enjoyed having them and baby H!
We reached our "one year since he proposed" date.
We got together with local friends a few times this month, we have met some great friends here.
R has had extra baby fever ever since the Eubanks had baby A.
He's quite the baby whisperer.
Other than that, I'll let my iPhone pictures tell our September story:

Life lesson of September: J really doesn't enjoy football season now that she's post grad and isn't at the game. R enjoys watching lots of games on tv. every weekend. all day. Luckily we're both decent at compromising. 

Things we're looking forward to in October: J's birthday! General Conference! (both of which have passed now). The beautiful weather!!! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :) I love it, too. (wedding gift cards!)

      Normally that banner isn't up, it was a welcome home banner haha.
