Sunday, November 17, 2013

October...pumpkin blizzards and lizard gizzards.

Every year October pretty much couldn't start out any better. 
The first week alone consists of my birthday and general conference.
[Other reasons I love October: breast cancer awareness month, the weather starts to turn beautiful, pumpkin blizzards return to my life, the commercialized smell of fall........the list goes on]

R woke me up before 5:30 on my go to the gym.
I opened presents that had been sitting in my sight but out of my reach for a week. (cruel, isn't it?)
I'm pretty sure R is the most thoughtful man(/gift giver) ever -- 
beautiful & practical, just the way I like things.

My coworkers decorated my office and brought lots of goodies.
The decor consisted of me photoshopped into pictures with Usher.
Why? Because years ago I dreamt I was dating Usher...and I told my office roomie that.
It was hilarious.

I was allllllll over the restaurant birthday clubs and made out pretty well with free food and desserts.

Enough about me and my birthday - general conference came that weekend.
Some of my favorite quotes from my notes:

"look back to claim embers from growing experiences, not ashes"
-Edward Dube
"small and simple things touch the heart and bring the Spirit"
-Arnulfo Valenzuela

"believe in miracles"

-Jeffrey R. Holland

"That's exactly how I feel about the Savior. He is always near, especially in sacred places and in times of need; and sometimes, when I least expect, I feel almost like He taps me on the shoulder to let me know He loves me. I can return that love in my own imperfect way by giving Him my heart"

-Terrence Vinson

"May we show increased kindness toward one another, and may we ever be found doing the work of the Lord."
- Thomas S. Monson

& since I can't help but have tears well up in my eyeballs when I think of it, I'll share how completely sweet and tender it was when President Monson spoke about his wife passing away.. "She was the love of my life, my trusted confidant, and my closest friend. To say that I miss her does not begin to convey the depth of my feelings."...seriously makes me cry. I don't know what to say other than what a blessing to know and have a testimony of Heavenly Father's plan of salvation to get through that trial.

After General Conference I felt like our month just got so busy!
Mostly consisting of food (hence those recent recipe blog posts) and travel.
Pumpkin blizzards come to Dairy Queen every October and we love that.
(They are completely over priced but you have GOT to have one.)
We finished out the month by having the missionaries over for a creepy Halloween dinner.

Life lesson of October: We must must must must must have decided outfits for photos prior to right before the photos are being taken....otherwise, as R says, "ill wife, terrible life".

Things we're looking forward to in November: R starts interviewing for residency programs!, Prostate cancer awareness month! (dad had that), THANKSGIVING!, Our wedding anniversary ♥ ! Pretty much life.. it's exciting and wonderful. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

I'm thankful for Heavenly Father's tender mercies...what are those you ask? 

"...the Lord’s tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly, the Lord suits “his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men” (D&C 46:15)." (great talk by Elder Bednar)

Maybe it's a far stretch but when the bag of pot stickers has an extra pot sticker in it and your starving husband gets to have an extra when he breaks his fast, I can't help but think Heavenly Father has a sense of humor and feel that He really does care about every little detail of our lives. I do believe the pot sticker would fall under the "individualized blessings" category because I suuuure know R was wanting that one extra but was too nice to only leave me with 4 pot stickers for dinner. 

these suckers will stink up your freezer but OH MY are they delicious.