June's craving was honeycomb cereal...3 boxes before the month was halfway over..it was serious.
They had a banquet for the graduating residents so we attended that...I really really wish this was higher quality because I kind of like it a lot.
32 weeks |
We got do have dinner dates and lunch dates (we're trying to take advantage of that before baby O arrives). And we realized we'd better get to the temple one last time before then too!

33 weeks.
wearing a little house dress my mom wore when she was pregnant. |
June is always exciting because the doc's birthday happens - which means food freebies! (
see full list of freebies here) They tend to last us the entire month...we love it.
Our birthday tradition since we started dating is a homemade birthday dessert (cake or other). This year I made the doc salted caramel gelato...ooo eeee was it good.
We spent R's birthday weekend in Sarasota and had a most perfect beach day. The water was clear and felt AMAZING. Plus between Ma's cooking and Sarasota restaurants, you know the food was always on point. Also - my aunt mentioned this malted chocolate ice cream she used to get in California and well, that got my mind thinking about malted chocolate anything....which means my mom went to the store and came back with dangerous things, like one of those big boxes of whoppers.
My mom had just gotten back from Mexico so she sent us home with all kinds of goodies. Coming home to find Rick eating churros with lime and salsa valentina made my little half Mexican heart all kinds of proud.
34 weeks |
We FINALLY (my fault) finished the paintings for Baby O's nursery...Rick had done 4 and I had done 1 so he was waiting on me to do the last one...I was waiting for inspiration, haha. We found the animal photos on pinterest/etsy but when we saw they cost $60 a pop we decided to try and re create our own with watercolor! Oh, and we re-purposed a framed quote and some free fabric to make a giraffe and turned 1 curtain panel into the 2 smaller ones we wanted - oh yeahhh.
The doc and I finished up June with a magical date night. No seriously, something magical was happening. We went to Chick-fil-a to redeem our free chicken sandwiches (we got those after touring headquarters when we went to ATL in February) and ended up getting "RAK attacked" {random act of kindness} by an employee which meant he brought us free milkshakes! Then we headed to the movies to use our free movie tickets (Christmas present from the boss) and ended up with a free popcorn! FREEEEEEEEEEEEE...it was awesome.
35 weeks |
36 weeks |
I was really trying hard to have the June post ready before July happened but you know...
My memory of July starts with 4th of July weekend -- we decided on Sarasota to get to the beach once more before our lives are changed foreverrrrr. On our way south, we did something that the doc has been wanting to do for like, his whole life (almost). We went to Bern's Steakhouse! [We are really trying to fit in those restaurants and date nights before baby O arrives] It is a very dimly lit place and the decor is what I would imagine a brothel looking like. The food and dessert room did not disappoint!
Since dating I've opened the doc up to this thing called sharing. Well good thing because a) Bern's is pricey and b) you get SO much food! French onion soup (you know we HATE onions but this soup was delicious!), a salad, your steak with these crunchy onion things and some veggies [whatever is in season], and a baked potato. Then for dessert you literally have your own room - pretty cool. We got the banana pie and have been trying to replicate it ever since.
When we got to our destination, Ma had another box of these waiting for me :x
I ate them all. In 3.5 days. No Shame. |
I didn't realize how AMAZING being in the water (beach or pool) felt until I'd go to get out of it and feel like an elephant/suddenly gravity hit and it felt like someone attached 3 bowling balls to my stomach. For real.
our 4th of July was spent eating, pooling, and firework watching.
Dave Hutchinson Photo ^^ |
Also, Dad was super craving a chocolate cake that I had made last time we were visiting...always have to leave a strip with no frosting for Ma.
36 weeks |
Once we got back to the ville it was back to work and also we finally tried this local Italian restaurant. It. is. amazing.
Fresh bread, pear purses (poached pear and ricotta filled pasta purses in a herbed brown butter cream sauce), homemade gnocchi in homemade marinara sauce, and macadamia chicken (macadamia encrusted chicken sautéed with a vanilla-cilantro cream sauce)
We liked it so much we went back 1 week later. |
There was a local food truck rally which we got kind of excited about but ended up being a total bust. We left and went this Americauna pizza car thing that had been recommended.
Can't forget about Cow Appreciation Day (thank you Chick-fil-a) - it's a tradition. Since we're going to encourage Owen to franchise a Chick-fil-a, maybe he can hang this photo of his first CAD in there (we're a little bit serious about this plan).
38 weeks |
Today is the last day of July and I'm just glad I was able to roll this baby (as in this post, not actual baby) out just in time. But also the real baby could be rolling (er...emerging..) any day (or minute) now...this last week has been a waiting game and I'm pretty sure Ricky is the most anxious of anybody to meet baby boy! As long as my OB's prediction is right and he arrives before his due date (Sunday) I think I'll keep my sanity. SO that's all...next time you see an update from me it's bound to have a real life color photo of this little man!: